How Solar Works
Solar energy is a rapidly growing renewable energy source that has proven beneficial to homeowners and businesses everywhere.

Solar and the Environment
Solar energy is a renewable resource that provides a long-lasting, clean alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Solar Economics
the simple question everyone wants to know is how long does it take for a solar energy system to pay for itself?

Solar Equipment & Design
At Prospect Solar, we specialize in the design and installation of solar photovoltaic energy systems.

FAQs about working with Prospect Solar
- Who handles the paperwork to link my new system with my utility?
Prospect Solar does this for you. We have worked with most local jurisdictions and utility companies. We know their processes and paperwork requirements and are happy to handle this for our clients.
- What if something goes wrong with my system?
Prospect Solar chooses equipment with the best warranties in the solar industry, so there is less chance that you’ll have problems. But if you ever do need warranty service down the road, we plan on being around to provide it for you.
- Why is Prospect Solar’s roofing experience important?
What many people don’t realize about installing solar arrays is that it is critical to make penetrations water tight. Thanks to our evolution from the roofing industry, we always install per manufacturer specifications. This ensures current roofing warranties are left intact.
- Do you have your own installation crews?
Yes. We take our standing as the local solar expert seriously. Our in-house crews have years of experience installing all over Norther Virginia, DC, and Maryland so you have the peace of mind knowing that everyone who works on your project—from initial discussion through design, installation and maintenance—has the character and expertise to get the job done for you.
- How long does a solar installation take?
Some residential projects are generating electricity–and savings–just six weeks after the contract is signed. But each project is different and depends on jurisdictional requirements. What you can count on is for Prospect Solar to give you an accurate timeline and do everything possible to meet it.
- Do you offer financing?
Yes. It’s even possible to finance solar without raising your monthly expenses. A custom engineered system will maximize the solar gain on your roof. The solar energy passes through your utility meter in the form of Kilowatt hours (kWh’s). The more you generate on your roof, the more you net out on your utility bill. Ideally the loan payment amount is less than your current average monthly utility bill.